February Schedule

  • FREE fitness classes Mon-Thurs. @ 9:10 am
  • Building cleaning @ 8 am every Saturday this month
  • February 13th RS Favorite Things activity @ 7pm
  • February 16th Lesson #3 Joseph Fielding Smith
  • February 23rd Lesson: Teaching for our Time

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you had a wonderful time with your friends and families. I am so grateful for the time to really reflect upon our Savior, Jesus Christ. There is a great clip on LDS.org that really shows what Christmas is about. It is a video clip called The Old Shoemaker. It is a Russian tale of an old shoemaker named Martin who learns the true meaning of Christmas. http://www.lds.org/media-library/video/christmas?lang=eng&id=2012-09-5631-the-old-shoemaker#2012-09-5631-the-old-shoemaker

2012 was a great year and we look forward to 2013. This coming Sunday December 30, 2012 will be our last Sunday with the 11:00 block. Starting in January we will be switching to 1:00. Sacrament meeting begins at 1:00, Sunday school at 2:20 and Relief Society at 3:10.

We hope you have a safe and happy New Year!!

HUGE Thank You

Thanks to everyone who came to our RS dinner & Program last night. I hope you all had an enjoyable evening and felt the Christmas story come to life. Sometimes we think of the Christmas story just as a story but with the help of the spirit and the story told last night I hope you feel a little more connected to the birth of our Savior. There are too many people to thank for helping put that program and dinner together. My committee was wonderful and all of the sisters and brothers in our ward who brought food and decorations. THANK YOU!!

Also, Remember about the Ward Christmas Breakfast this Saturday at 9 am. There will be great food and Santa will be there, too. Hope to see you there!

December's Activity

Relief Society Christmas Dinner & Program
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
6 pm
In the Cultural Hall
Bring your husband or a Friend from our ward
Nice Dress, please
~Nursery Provided~

December is Here!!

I can't believe that it is December already. I think November flew by! That is okay because I love what December brings, Snow, magic, peace and remembrance. Don't forget about the First Presidency Christmas Devotional Dec. 2 @ 6pm. You can watch it online at  http://www.lds.org/broadcasts/watch/christmas-devotional/2012/12?lang=eng at 6 pm