It's December!

December has been full of unexpected surprises. I hope that this month has been a great one for you. What a great opportunity it is to reflect upon the many blessings our Father in Heaven sends us. Thank you for being wonderful examples to those around you. I hope that you have been pursuing Sister Stark's challenge to get to know a sister you do not already know. We can all take this challenge and reach out to someone and make them feel special.
This month has great potential for blessing others lives. Because of the Christmas spirit we all have in us we can focus more on why we celebrate this wonderful time of year. Our Savior gave us the greatest gift of all. The gift of Salvation. We focus on the birth of our Savior at this time. Without His birth there would be no Salvation. How blessed we are for this knowledge. Please take the opportunity this month to share with others your testimony and your happiness. Do not focus on the what others can do for you but instead focus on what you can do for others.
We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year full of the spirit of the Gospel.

Thanksgiving Feast

 I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, full of good food, family fun, and thankfulness. If you are ready for more turkey and all the fixin's come to our ward party today at 4pm at the church. Again it will be full of good food, ward family fun, and thankfulness.

"Angels Among Us" RS Dinner

Thank you everyone who came to our Relief Society Dinner last night. I hope you enjoyed everything. It was great to hear of your "Secret Sister" experiences. What a great sisterhood we have!!

November Update

The end of October and beginning of November is always a busy time for me so sorry for the lack of updates, again! I hope that everyone had a great Halloween. It is now time to focus on November and being grateful for the things we have in our lives. I encourage you to post one thing you are thankful for anytime this month. By seeing what others are grateful for we can increase our gratitude for the things not thought of. I hope you all have a wonderful November and will come to our Annual RS Dinner on Tuesday, Nov. 12th @ 6pm!

Neighborhood Halloween Party

Its that time again for our Annual  Halloween party. It is on Saturday Oct. 26th at 4pm. We are not having it at the church. It will be in the neighborhood by the church. It is North East of the church in a small cul-de-sac. Bring family, friends, and neighbors. Dinner will be chile and soups. We will not be decorating trunks for a trunk or treat but will have a line-up for treats.So come dressed up and have fun with us!!

Secret Sisters

We drew for Secret Sisters on Sunday. I hope your creative juices are flowing. Remember to take a picture of whatever you are doing (basket, card, washing dishes, going out to lunch, etc.) and send it to me so that I can add them to the slideshow for our November 12th dinner party. Thanks! and have fun!

Tuesday's activity

We had a great time at our activity on Tuesday. We learned briefly about the new Family Search website and played "Who wants to be a Millionaire: Family History Edition". Our guest speaker was Kim Savage (my sister-in-law) who has been involved with Geneology in many professional aspects. She was wonderful and I hope she helped you feel more confident in doing family history. Thank you to our committee for providing the cutely decorated and delicious cupcake family tree and for Lena Phillips for drawing the tree for us artistically challenged people. I hope everyone had a great time!

General Conference

General Conference

Saturday & Sunday 
Oct. 5 & 6

General Relief Society Broadcast

Saturday, September 28, 2013
6 pm 
Stake Center

The Broadcast was such a wonderful event. A perfect opportunity to hear from our beloved leaders. For those of you who were not there, we missed you! The General Relief Society Presidency addressed us as well as our wonderful Prophet President Monson. Their messages were simple and sweet. Sister Burton's (President) message was about being "Covenant keepers". Being covenant keepers from the time we are baptized is the way we show our love of the Lord and by being covenant keepers we become strengthened, empowered, and protected. Sis. Stephens' messaged was the same message only it focused more on helping others along their path of covenant keeping. Sis. Reeves shared that we should be renewing our covenants weekly. Finally, President Monson spoke to us about the simple power of Prayer. Pray always because it brings peace. He stated that we need to trust our Heavenly Father in ALL things. 
Such a great message! If you would like to watch the message you can click here

Sorry everyone for the lack of updates. It's a good thing that not much has been going on that I am aware of. On Sept. 10 we had our RS activity. We had a great time. Sis. Mautz gave a great No-Bake Pie demonstration with delicious tasters. We were able to fill at least 20 hygiene kits that were delivered to Chancellor Gardens Retirement Center and multiple crochet ruffle scarfs were made and are still being made and will be delivered to the Women's Shelter in Kaysville. There were lots of pies to eat so I hope everyone went home full of deliciousness. Thanks for coming and we hope to see you at our next activity on October 8th. More details to come so check back.