February Schedule

  • FREE fitness classes Mon-Thurs. @ 9:10 am
  • Building cleaning @ 8 am every Saturday this month
  • February 13th RS Favorite Things activity @ 7pm
  • February 16th Lesson #3 Joseph Fielding Smith
  • February 23rd Lesson: Teaching for our Time

Bishopric changes

Many of you were at church on Sunday and were surprised with some changes in our Bishopric. We wish to thank Bro. Phillips and Bro. Bisseger for their hard work and dedication as councilors to the Bishop and as leaders of our ward. Bro. Huskinson and Bro. Buhler are great men called to take their places as councilors. We sustain these two men and will support them in all things.


We have a day of Partying!! First off we have our Craft Social that starts at 10 am. We will have a salad bar lunch at noon. we will finish up crafting and socializing at 2pm. Then at 6:00pm our Ward is having a walk-about/BBQ. A walk about is where everyone in our ward comes to the church house neighborhood (Valhalla) and walks around the streets mingling with everyone. We usually congregate at different homes with snack stations but this time, we will stop at our Elders Quorum President's home for some good food and good times. His home is directly east of the church. So if you don't live in the neighborhood, just park at the church and walk across the parking lot. You will know where to go. We hope to see you at both events!!

Stake Conference update

Stake Conference was excellent this weekend. I hope you were able to be uplifted by our wonderful leaders and Apostles. It was a special experience to have Elder Christofferson and Elder Ketcher in our presence and to bring the spirit. We are ever so grateful to our former Stake Presidency--Pres. Reed, Pres. Scofield, and Pres. Gross. their service has been greatly appreciated. We would like to offer our support to our new Stake Presidency, Pres. Swanson, Pres. Carlson, and Pres. Gross. These men are called of God and we need to show our love and support to them in every way we can.

Stake Conference

Stake Conference is this Saturday and Sunday. Saturday Aug. 17th @ 7 pm is the Adult Session at the Stake Center. On Sunday, Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Seventies will be in attendance. What a great opportunity to hear from one of our great leaders. The last time we had a General Authority in attendance in our Stake was 9 years ago, so come and be greatly uplifted. We will also be getting a new Stake Presidency. Sunday's session is at 10 am at Northridge High School. Hope to see you there!

August is here!

The summer is almost over and the thought of back to school is running through our heads. For some, a welcome treat, for others it means their kids are growing up ;( (tear, sniff, sniff), and others it just means summer is nearly over. Whatever your thoughts are, remember that time is a relative thing. Enjoy every minute and remember who gave us this time--Our loving Father in Heaven. Be grateful for your blessings and "serve the Lord with all your heart, might, mind, and strength."