February Schedule

  • FREE fitness classes Mon-Thurs. @ 9:10 am
  • Building cleaning @ 8 am every Saturday this month
  • February 13th RS Favorite Things activity @ 7pm
  • February 16th Lesson #3 Joseph Fielding Smith
  • February 23rd Lesson: Teaching for our Time

Easter & General Conference

I am sorry it has been a few weeks since I last posted. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter on March 31st. Were you able to truly remember the Savior and His Atonement? Also, General Conference was last week. I hope you were able to be spiritually fed and uplifted. Let's start a discussion! What was your favorite talk and why. Post a comment to this post. It would be great to hear from you and possibly learn something others may not have heard or felt.


Lena Phillips said...

I don't know that I had a favorite talk, but I loved the whole theme of conference. There was a lot of focus on the Savior and the atonement and even more focus on the family unit, which is being so attacked by the world, it was so reassuring to hear families being built up again.

Heidi Nelson said...

Watching conference with my children is difficult. Before the last session I decided I needed to print some Conference helps for my kids to keep them quiet. It worked for like 10 minutes but I noticed that it helped keep me focused. I will be preparing conference packets from now on not only for my kids but for myself.